4.2. 从 Debian 镜像服务器下载文件

选择离您较近的(因此很可能也是最快的)镜像服务器,请参见 Debian 镜像列表

当使用 FTP 从 Debian 镜像服务器下载文件的时候,请确认下载的文件是处于二进制模式,而不是文本或者自动模式。

4.2.1. 在哪里能找到安装映像

安装映像位于每一个 Debian 镜像的 debian/dists/jessie/main/installer-armhf/current/images/MANIFEST 文件列出了每一个映像及其用途。 QNAP Turbo Station 安装文件

The installation files for systems supported by the armhf multiplatform kernel (see 第 2.1.4 节 “Platforms supported by Debian/armhf”) consist of a standard Linux kernel image, a standard Linux initial ramdisk image and a system-specific device-tree blob. The kernel and the initial ramdisk image for tftp-booting can be obtained from .../images/netboot/ and the device-tree blob can be obtained from .../images/device-tree/ . The tar archive for creating a bootable USB stick with the installer can be obtained from .../images/hd-media/ .

U-boot images for various armhf platforms are available at .../images/u-boot/ .